Innocence 2018-10-03 (Wednesday)

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Wed Innocence 2018 10 03

“I know you are innocent.”
(Gen 20:6 New Living Translation)

“Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error.”
Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 568

– The Bible
Ps 26:6 (to :)
Ex. 23:7
Deut. 27:25
Gen. 20:1-5 Abraham
Job 4:7
Job 33:9
I Kings 3:3 Solomon (to :), 12 lo, 16-27
Jer. 2:35 thou
Dan 6:1-4 (to ;), 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19-22 (to ;)
Ps 26:1-5, 12
Isa. 61:10
Rev. 21:1 I, 2
John 1:29-32 John, 35, 36
Matt 15:1, 2, 10, 11, 18-20 those (to :)
James 2:8, 10-12
Job 33:4, 9 (to ;)
Gen 20:6 I know (to ;)
I know you are innocent. (New Living Translation)

– Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
SH 568:1 Innocence (only)
SH 564:3-28
SH 590:9-10 (to 2nd ;)
SH 561:13-15
SH 582:14-15 (to ;)
SH 594:12
SH 405:17-2
SH 175:26-1
SH 154:10
SH 391:17-10
SH 442:1 Man
SH 414:28-31
SH 568:1 Innocence (only)

– Hymns
Hymn 482
Hymn 19
Hymn 499