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With one accord 2020-05-27
First Hymn
1. Hymn. 266
The readings, from our Pastor: The Holy Bible and the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”, by Mary Baker Eddy:
“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” (Phil. 2:2)
The Holy Bible
1. Phil. 1:2–6, 9–11
2. I John 1:1–7
3. Luke 11:33–36
4. Rom. 12:1–5, 10, 15, 16 (to 1st .), 16–18 2nd Be, 21
5. I Cor. 1:9, 10
6. Acts 2:14 Peter, 17 it (to 1st :), 21, 41, 42
7. Acts 4:31–33
8. I Pet. 3:8 be, 9
9. Phil. 2:5
Science and Health
1. SH 30:19, 30–32
2. SH 46:25–7
3. SH 42:19–10
4. SH 270:31–10
5. SH 315:3–20
6. SH 515:22; 516:2, 21
7. SH 361:16
8. SH 276:4–24
9. SH 506:10–12
Second and Third Hymn
2. Hymn. 524
3. Hymn. 601