Adam and Fallen Man 2018-11-11 (Sunday)

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Adam and Fallen Man 2018 11 11

– Scriptural Selection
1. John 1:6–10, 12–14
2. John 8:12 (to Jesus), 12 saying
3. Matt. 24:13 he, 14 (to ;)
4. Matt. 5:14 (to .), 16

– Benediction
Rom. 8:2,6
“…the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made [you] free from the law of sin and death.
For to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

– Hymns
1. Hymn. 161:1-5
2. Hymn. 122:1-4
3. Hymn. 154:1-3