Love 2023-07-30 (Sun.)

“The commandment that God has given us is: ‘Love God and love each other!'”
The Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version, I John 4:21
You are welcome to join our service in person or on Zoom. View or download the Read more

Truth 2023-07-23 (Sun.)

“The Lord’s instruction is right; it makes our hearts glad. His commands shine brightly, and they give us light.”
The Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version, Psalms 19:8
“A Christian Scientist’s medicine is Mind, the divine Truth that makes man Read more

Infinity 2023-07-19 (Wed.)

“Man reflects infinity, and this reflection is the true idea of God…God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss.”
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 258 and 481
You are welcome Read more

Life 2023-07-16 (Sun.)

“Whatever is governed by God, is never for an instant deprived of the light and might of intelligence and Life.”
The Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 215
You Read more

Christian Science 2023-06-25 (Sun)

“The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained…It is this spiritual perception of Scripture, which lifts humanity out of disease and death and inspires faith.”Read more

Giants 2023-06-21 (Wed.)

“..the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds…”
The Bible: II Corinthians
You are welcome to attend our Testimony Meeting in person or on Zoom. A PDF document Read more